Catholic Young Adult Recreation

CYA Recreation is a ministry that aims to create a social environment that builds relationships and engages young adults across the diocese to stay active, express their faith, and embrace community through a variety of recreational activities and social events.

Various leagues and events are offered throughout the year. We look forward to welcoming you into our Christ-centered and highly active community of young adults.

These leagues and events are planned, supported, and sustained by young adults from our community. If you would like to help plan future leagues and events, please reach out!


Saturday, Sept. 7

Invite your friends to join other Catholic Young Adults for a fun evening at Parkview Field to enjoy a TinCaps game. Lawn tickets are available for purchase for $7 through the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry


Upcoming CYA Leagues

Indoor Volleyball

Wednesdays, March 5 – April 23 (excluding April 16), 2025

All teams will play on Wednesday evenings at Queen of Angels from March 5 – April 23. There will be no games scheduled on April 16 (Holy Week). The cost is $40 and includes 6 weeks of regular play and 1 weeks of tournament play.
Pending on registrations, games will begin at 6pm and run every 45 minutes through 10 p.m.

The cost is $40/person, registration will open on January 15.


Wednesdays, June 4-25, 2025

Join us for a 4-week mini-season of kickball as the summer gets started. Teams consist of 11 players. Sign up individually or as a team.

Games will be hosted at Indian Trails Park on Aboite Center Road in Fort Wayne.

The cost is $15/person and includes 4 weeks of game play.

Pending the number of teams, games will begin at 6:30 p.m. and end by sundown.

Registration will open in the spring of 2025.


TBA 2025

A Catholic young adult bowling league will be offered at Precious Blood Catholic Church. Players may register as individuals or as a team of 5. Space is limited. Bowlers will bowl 2 games/week.

Upcoming Events

CYA Volleyball

Registration opens January 15.

Winter Formal

February 22

Purdue Fort Wayne International Ballroom Room 150. More info coming soon!

Contact CYA Recreation

CYA Recreation

Young Adult Ministry Volunteer

[email protected]

Jocelyn Rouch

Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry

[email protected]