How to choose the Spanish language in ParishSOFT
Mailings from Bishop Rhoades are sent in English and in Spanish. The Spanish version is sent only to those who are marked “Spanish” under language field in ParishSoft (Spanish/English and English/Spanish will get the English version). A parishioner should be marked “Spanish” only if they have requested written communication in Spanish, so this should be a question you ask when you set them up. There are many who speak Spanish, but prefer written communication in English, so do not assume that because a person is fluent in Spanish, they want their written communication in Spanish.
How to choose Spanish language in ParishSOFT
Find the parishioner by searching either last name or Family DUID. This is the screen that will come up first:

You can enter the last name in the search bar (where it has the arrow pointing down), then press enter.
Next, click on the parishioner and this screen will open:

Click on Member Details tab, then click on the green “Edit Details” button at the bottom, then the “Language” drop-down box on left, and choose Spanish:

Click “Save & Close”