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Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend announces pastors and principals will ­­decide how to best begin their school year.

Media Contact
Dr. Joe Brettnacher, Ph.D., Superintendent of Catholic Schools 
[email protected]

​The coronavirus has had a dramatic impact on families, Catholic schools, parishes, and the diocese. Besides the obvious challenges to life, health, and financial well-being, it has also impacted our ability to be in community with one another, our reception of the sacraments, and the way that we teach and serve.

For months, our Catholic schools have been eagerly preparing for the 2020-21 school year, and we know that our teachers and staff long for the opportunity to be with the children again.

It is important to note, however, that our diocese covers fourteen counties. In forty-three schools, we serve over 13,000 children. Some areas of our diocese have seen an increase in the coronavirus, and no doubt, parents, teachers, and staff across the diocese have been watching the news regarding schools and their reopening plans.

Our pastors and principals know best the needs of their specific community, can work according to their county’s health department recommendations, understand the nuances of their buildings, and have the details of the reopening plans they have developed over the last several months. For these reasons, pastors, in collaboration with their principals, will decide how best to begin the school year, whether that is in-person classes, a hybrid model, or virtual learning.

While some Catholic schools may be able to open with in-person classes due to the space in their building that allows for social distancing, other Catholic schools may need to begin with a hybrid or virtual model, and then move to in-person learning later.

We care deeply for the health and safety, growth in holiness, and, ultimately, the salvation of the children entrusted in our care. Concerning the r