Marriage and Family Ministry Promotional Resources
This page contains evergreen resources for our diocesan Marriage and Family Ministries. To request a new resource, please contact us. We are happy to provide what you need.

15 Facts at 15 Weeks
The Supreme Court is hearing the case Dobbs v. Jackson
Women’s Health Organization, in which they will decide
whether a Mississippi law limiting abortions after 15 weeks
is constitutional. Doing so would be consistent with the
policies of more than 90% of countries around the world.

No Taxpayer Abortion
The Hyde Amendment and similar laws have protected taxpayers from funding elective abortion for 45 years. Now, powerful members of Congress want to take away these laws that both Democrats and Republicans have supported for nearly half a century. Stop your tax dollars from going to abortion. Sign the petition
No permita que el dinero de sus impuestos se utilice para un aborto.

Walking with Moms in Need
An ongoing initiative where Catholic parishes and communities “walk in the shoes” of local pregnant and parenting women in need.

ava’s grace
A ministry that offers spiritual, emotional and practical support to families who suffer miscarriage, stillbirth or infant loss.
For resources for a particular event, contact Lisa Everett: [email protected].

Miriam’s Blessing
A ministry whose purpose is to provide comprehensive support to parents who receive a poor prenatal diagnosis.

Project Rachel
A post-abortion reconciliation program. This ministry offers hope and healing for all those who suffer from the pain of abortion and its aftermath.

Hope for the Journey
A new ministry that offers spiritual, emotional and practical support rooted in the Catholic faith for couples who are experiencing infertility or secondary infertility.