Secretariat for Pastoral Ministries and Catechesis
The Secretariat for Pastoral Ministries and Catechesis implements Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades’ vision for evangelization and catechesis and supports the important ministerial work done in parishes.
What we do:
Formation for Ministry
Diocesan Events
Parish Support
Direct Ministry
As our parishes seek to bring the good news of the Gospel to a lost and suffering world, we affirm this mission through direct ministry offerings that are beyond the scope of many parishes’ capacity. This includes our many ministries for marriages and families, our ministry with persons with disabilities, youth and young adults offerings, and more.
Particular opportunities can be explored within our offices and ministries below.
We provide support and resources to parishes as they discern how to best serve their parish and strengthen a holistic community.
We also provide support for parish sacramental preparation and RCIA.
We organize and execute a variety of in-person and virtual events, including retreats, pilgrimages, one-time and ongoing events, and monthly support groups to support our 81 parishes and 43 Catholic schools spread across 14 counties. We also collaborate with other organizations within our diocese to support their large-scale events.
Diocesan-sponsored events can be found on the pages of the ministries below or on the diocesan calendar.
We equip ministers for joyful missionary discipleship through formation courses, networking, training opportunities, and more, supporting a foundation of excellence as we strive to increase ministry effectiveness.
Offices and Ministries
Marriage and Family Ministry
Promotes a culture of life in families and parishes and the broader communities to which they belong. Provides pastoral care for couples and parents.
Youth Ministry
Serves the young church through parishes and schools. Provides training and support to youth ministers. Includes Catholic Scouting.
Hispanic Ministry
Strengthens the pastoral care of Catholics with Hispanic roots. Collaborates with other diocesan offices, and supporting parishes with Hispanic ministry.
Office of Catechesis
Supporting our teachers, ministers, and catechists in faith formation. Supporting our parishes’ religious education, OCIA, and sacramental preparation programs. This office includes Deaf Ministry, and Belonging: Ministry with Persons with Disabilities.
Young Adult Ministry
Serves young adult men and women in their late teens, twenties, and thirties, who are single, married, divorced, or widowed, with or without children. Provides support to young adult groups.
Catholic Social Ministries
Participates in the following initiatives: The Catholic Campaign for Human Development, Catholic Relief Services, and Catholic Climate Covenant.
Contact Us
St. John Paul II Center
1328 W. Dragoon Trail
Mishawaka, Indiana 46544
Archbishop Noll Catholic Center
915 South Clinton Street
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Phone: 260-422-4611
Caty Burke

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Lisa Everett

Mishawaka, Indiana 46544
Dr. Alex Giltner
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Mr. Carl Loesch

Mishawaka, Indiana 46544
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Ayari Lopez

Mishawaka, Indiana 46544
Janice Martin, WP

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Jocelyn Rouch

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Allison Sturm

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Deaf Ministry
Jail Ministry
Esther Terry

Mishawaka, Indiana 46544
Jessica Tillinghast

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
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