Regarding U.S. Supreme Court in Dobbs v. Jackson
Message to the Faithful of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend from Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades regarding U.S. Supreme Court in Dobbs v. Jackson
Today is a historic day for our nation as the Supreme Court overturned the tragic Roe v. Wade decision which denied the child in the womb the right to life and led to the deaths of millions of unborn children in our nation. The gravely immoral and unjust decision in 1973 has finally been reversed, after so many years of prayer and sacrifices, advocacy and peaceful witness for the protection of the lives of the innocent unborn. I thank all the faithful of our diocese for your tireless pro-life efforts and prayers. Of course, our work for the protection of the unborn does not end with the Dobbs decision since now it will be up to states to determine their abortion laws. Here in Indiana, we will need to continue to advocate for laws to protect the lives of the unborn and to assist mothers in need.
I reaffirm our commitment to serving pregnant mothers with our love, compassion, and assistance. We will continue our many efforts to support women in unplanned or crisis pregnancies.
The sacredness of human life is a central tenet of our faith. We profess our reverence and love for every human life, from the moment of conception to natural death. We profess the inviolable dignity of every human person created in God’s image and likeness, including the most vulnerable among us: the unborn, the sick, the elderly, the disabled, the refugee, the poor, and those on death row. I pray that with the Dobbs decision we will see a new culture of life emerge in our country. A conversion of many minds and hearts is still needed to bring about a new culture of respect for human life. Our witness of love of neighbor and our service of those in need is essential in this regard. We are called, as Saint Paul wrote, to “overcome evil with good.” Jesus Himself teaches us in the parable of the last judgment that whatever we do the least of our brothers and sisters, we do to Him. He exhorts all of us to care for the most vulnerable among us. May we continue to do so through the corporal and spiritual works of mercy that abound in our diocese! Thank you to all of you for your witness to Christ’s love and for your commitment to the Gospel of life!