Extraordinary Minister and Lector Trainings

Join us for education and formation. While this is catered to new ministers, all are welcome! Sponsored by the Office of Worship.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Join us on Feb. 1 from 9 a.m. – noon

South Bend: St. Joseph Parish (226 N Hill St, South Bend)
Fort Wayne: St. Charles Borromeo Parish (4916 Trier Rd, Fort Wayne)

Registration deadline: Wednesday, January 29.

All trainings take place in the church.

Lector Trainings

Join us on March 1 from 9 a.m. – noon

South Bend: Holy Cross Parish (1050 Wilber St, South Bend)
Fort Wayne: Our Lady of Good Hope Parish (7215 St Joe Rd, Fort Wayne)

Registration deadline: Wednesday, February 26.

All trainings take place in the church.

Which training(s) will you attend?(Required)

Frequently Asked Questions

On being an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion

What is an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion?

The “Norms for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion in the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend” states:

By virtue of their sacred Ordination, the ordinary ministers of Holy Communion are the bishop, the priest, and the deacon, to whom it belongs to administer Holy Communion to the lay members of Christ’s faithful during the celebration of the Mass. However, when the size of the congregation is such that the liturgy would otherwise be unduly prolonged, or if available ordinary ministers are somehow incapacitated, then lay members of the faithful may be designated to assist in the orderly distribution of Holy Communion as necessary. These laypersons must be properly commissioned, and they are referred to as “extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion.” In this context, “extraordinary” implies an exception, or an extraordinary measure in unusual circumstances.

What are the requirements for being an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion?

The “Norms for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion in the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend” states:

Parish pastors alone may appoint extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion for their parishes. The following qualifications must be met in order to be appointed:

  • Men or women of high school age or older who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the Holy Mass, sacred vessels, proper procedures, etc.
  • Demonstrate a mature spirituality, and be “of sound doctrine and exemplary moral life. Catholics who do not live worthy lives or who do not enjoy good reputations or whose family situations do not conform to the teaching of the Church may not be admitted” to the exercise of functions such as the extraordinary minister of Holy Communion.
  • Undergo formal training to become an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion
How do I become an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion at my parish?

The first step is to talk with your parish priest about serving as an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion at your parish. The second step is to participate in a formal training.

The “Norms for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion in the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend” states that “Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion should receive ‘sufficient spiritual, theological, and practical preparation to fulfill their role with knowledge and reverence.’ Therefore, without exception, anyone who is to be newly commissioned as an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion must undergo formal training.”

Frequently Asked Questions

On being a lector

What is a lector?

A lector is a person who proclaims the first or second reading at Mass. This person also may lead the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass. (This ministry may also be called “reader”, or “proclaimer of the Word”.)

Who can be a lector?

1. Man, woman or young person with skills in proclamation.

2. A person in full communion with the Catholic Church.

3. A person serious about the practice of their faith.

4. A person who is willing to complete a parish or diocesan formation process

What is required for formation?

Prospective lectors are appointed by their pastors and should demonstrate skills in proclamation.  All new candidates for lector must receive training, either from their pastor or his delegate, or through the diocese.

The instruction must include the following:

1. Scriptural Spirituality for Ministers of the Word.

2. Preparing the Scriptures prayerfully.

3. Instruction in Liturgy of the Word.

4. Proclaiming the Word: practicum and formation in public speaking.

2024 Registration

Registration deadline: the Thursday prior to the training.

Questions? Contact Brian MacMichael 
Director, Office of Worship
[email protected]