Virtual Diocesan Confirmation Retreat
“And they were filled with the Holy Spirit.” -Acts 2:4
Painting courtesy of Carmen Stephanie Nunez, Saint Joseph High School ’20
Welcome to the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend’s Virtual Confirmation Retreat. To complete the virtual retreat, please follow the directions below:
Before you begin:
- Make sure you have a copy of the Discussion Questions.
- The retreat takes about 2-2.5 hrs. to complete. Please be sure you and your sponsor have set aside the time needed to complete the retreat.
- Your parish or school may provide additional directions. Please follow their guidance as every parish will use this virtual resource differently.
- Take time to look at the “Confession Corner,” “Young Saints Resource,” and “the Band of Men” at the bottom. There is also a bonus talk (3 minutes) from the Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration as well.
Welcome from Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades
Bishop Rhoades offers encouragement to our candidates to pursue lives of holiness through the gift of the Holy Spirit they will receive at Confirmation. He also proposes the courageous example of the life of the newly beatified Blessed Carlo Acutis who died at the age of 15 in 2006.
Introduction and Opening Prayer
John and Kelly will introduce you to the Virtual Confirmation Retreat and then Sr. Ignatia from the Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration will open the retreat with a reflection and a prayer. Please click on the video to begin the retreat.
1. Why Should I Be Confirmed?
It is good to ask yourself why you are receiving this sacrament, what happens when you are confirmed, and what the Lord might be asking of you in your life. There are two videos in this section, one from Fr. Ryan Pietrocarlo, C.S.C. and a youth witness from Ava. At the end of each video, take about five minutes to reflect on what you just heard. You have a discussion guide here to help guide you in your conversations. Be sure to write some of your talking points on the lines provided.
Fr. Ryan Pietrocarlo, C.S.C. (English)
Fr. Ryan Pietrocarlo, C.S.C. (Spanish)
Song after Fr. Ryan’s talk
Song after Ava’s witness (below)
These songs are not hosted by the diocese and may contain advertisements
These songs are not hosted by the diocese and may contain advertisements
Witness Talk: Ava
“Living Your Vocation in the Present”
Ava speaks about being attuned to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and responding to God’s call on a daily basis. Every day we have the chance to say “yes” to God’s plan!
2. Lectio Divina
“Lectio Divina” is Latin for “divine reading” and refers to a form of praying with scripture. Adam will guide you through this meditation. Start the video and pray along. During the times for prayerful meditation, the video will give you a one-minute pause with on-screen directions for reflection. Come Holy Spirit! There is one video in this segment. Remember to discuss the lectio divina before moving on to section 3.
The four steps of Lectio Divina (Latin/English):
1. Lectio = Reading
2. Meditatio = Meditation
3. Oratio = Prayer
4. Contemplatio = Contemplation
Lectio Divina (English)
Lectio Divina (Spanish)
3. Living Your Life After Confirmation
Fr. Jose Arroyo and Olivia will help you reflect on how the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit can help change your life and everything you do following your Confirmation. The Lord is calling you to do great things in your life. How will you respond? The discussion guide will help you discuss Fr. Jose’s talk and Olivia’s witness.
Fr. Jose Arroyo (English)
Fr. Jose Arroyo (Spanish)
Song after Fr. Jose’s talk
Song after Olivia’s Witness (below)
These songs are not hosted by the diocese and may contain advertisements.
These songs are not hosted by the diocese and may contain advertisements.
Witness Talk: Olivia
“Bold in the Faith”
Olivia shares about her experiences in high school and especially at World Youth Day that, through the example of others, showed her that boldness in the faith is not only a good thing, but what should be at the center of our lives. The Holy Spirit enables us to be bold in the faith!
Check out this fun video! Our Fort Wayne-South Bend seminarians, religious from the Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration, and our Diocesan Youth Leaders wanted to share these messages with you. We are all members of the body of Christ. They want you to know that you are loved by God and prayed for by people from all over the diocese.
“Soul on Fire” performed by Band of Men
The Band of Men is a music group of seminarians from the Congregation of Holy Cross. They are studying to become priests at the University of Notre Dame. We hope you enjoy their music video that they recorded just for you!
“Soul on Fire” originally by Brenton Brown, David Carr, Mac Powell, Mark Lee, Matt Maher, Tai Anderson: © Thankyou Music, Be Essential Songs, I Am A Pilgrim Songs, Kobalt Music Copyrights SARL CCLI License 3005800