Trauma Workshop for Clergy
Fr. Ken Schmidt is returning to the
diocese to conduct two daylong
workshops for priests on the impact
of trauma and other wounds and offer
skills to respond pastorally to those in our parishes and communities
who are suffering.
Meet the presenter
Rev. Kenneth Schmidt is a priest of the Diocese of Kalamazoo where he serves as the Judicial Vicar, the Advocate for Priestly Ministry and Support, and chaplain for retired sisters of the Congregation of St. Joseph. He earned a master’s degree in Counseling Psychology, and is a Licensed Professional Counselor. He is a cofounder of the Trauma Recovery Program in his Diocese, and cofounder of Trauma Recovery Associates. TRA educates and fosters the development of organizational leaders, human service providers, and trauma survivors themselves to respond more effectively to the impact of childhood trauma. TRA has trained in 23 states and seven countries, and provides programs for childhood trauma survivors throughout southwest Michigan, as well as a free online program as people deal with the stress of the pandemic. He has published in the areas of canon law, pastoral theology, psychology, and spirituality. He has published a book about trauma and spirituality; another book that paraphrases the Psalms of the Old Testament as prayers for people in addiction and recovery; and a third that highlights common myths that interfere with healthy committed relationships. For relaxation he likes to read, and to dabble on the home he is preparing for an eventual retirement, God willing some day.