Office of Worship

The Office of Worship for the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend exists to help the faithful encounter Christ in the sacred liturgy and through the sacraments. We strive to promote mystagogical catechesis, reverence, and an accompanying appreciation for the ars celebrandi (art of proper celebration) within the context of the liturgical rites and our entire life of faith.

Music for the Eucharistic Revival: Eucharistic Hymnody and Vespers

All church music directors are strongly encouraged to attend, and the invitation can also be shared with other leaders or key members of the parish’s music program.

Fort Wayne – St. Peter Parish | Event Details

Mishawaka – St. Monica Parish | Event Details

Registration – Fort Wayne (closed)

Registration – Mishawaka

Thank you for joining us on Saturday, Feb. 25 at St. Monica Parish in Mishawaka! If you are in need of financial assistance, email [email protected] 

Registration has now closed for “Music for the Eucharistic Revival: Eucharistic Hymnody and Vespers” on Saturday, January 28 in Fort Wayne.

If you need assistance regarding an existing registration, email [email protected] 

When: Saturday, February 25, 2023, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Where: St. Monica Parish, 222 W Mishawaka Ave, Mishawaka, IN 46545

What: Church music leaders from across the diocese are invited to this workshop, cosponsored by the Saint Hildegard Project. A theological keynote will be delivered by David Fagerberg, professor emeritus of liturgical theology at the University of Notre Dame. 

The music sessions will delve into two important facets of liturgical music in light of the Eucharistic Revival. First is the evaluation and selection of a suitable Eucharistic repertoire for parish Masses. The second is an overview of singing solemn Evening Prayer, because communal evening prayer is one of the primary celebrations that can be observed as part of the prescribed 40 Hours Devotion during the Parish Year of the Eucharistic Revival (June 2023-June 2024).

Who: All church music directors are strongly encouraged to attend, and the invitation can also be shared with other leaders or key members of the parish’s music program.  Any clergy who wish to attend are welcome to register as well.

Meals: Lunch will be provided.

Cost: $10, to cover the cost of lunch.

Full Schedule:
8:30 a.m. – Doors open – receive packet and name tag9:00 a.m. – Keynote address – Dr. David Fagerberg, Emeritus Professor of Theology (Liturgical Studies) at the University of Notre Dame
9:45 a.m. – Q&A with Dr. Fagerberg
10:00 a.m. – Break! 10:05 a.m. – Eucharistic Hymnody – Ellen Friesen
10:45 a.m. – Break! 11:00 a.m. – Introduction to Vespers: History and Theology – Edith Lagarde, Jon Wheeler11:20 a.m. – The Structure of Vespers – Daniel Tucker11:40 a.m. – Run-through of vespers and discussion / Q&A12:05 p.m. – Lunch!12:50 p.m. – How to Chant Vespers – Daniel Tucker, Jon Wheeler1:30 p.m. – All participants pray vespers

When: Saturday, January 28, 2023, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Where: St. Peter Parish, 518 E Dewald St., Fort Wayne, IN 46803. 

What: Church music leaders from across the diocese are invited to this workshop, cosponsored by the Saint Hildegard Project. A theological keynote will be delivered by David Fagerberg, professor emeritus of liturgical theology at the University of Notre Dame. 

The music sessions will delve into two important facets of liturgical music in light of the Eucharistic Revival. First is the evaluation and selection of a suitable Eucharistic repertoire for parish Masses. The second is an overview of singing solemn Evening Prayer, because communal evening prayer is one of the primary celebrations that can be observed as part of the prescribed 40 Hours Devotion during the Parish Year of the Eucharistic Revival (June 2023-June 2024).

Who: All church music directors are strongly encouraged to attend, and the invitation can also be shared with other leaders or key members of the parish’s music program.  Any clergy who wish to attend are welcome to register as well.

Meals: Lunch will be provided.

Cost: $10, to cover the cost of lunch.

Registration Deadline: Friday, January 20

Full Schedule:
8:30 a.m. – Doors open – receive packet and name tag9:00 a.m. – Keynote address – Dr. David Fagerberg, Emeritus Professor of Theology (Liturgical Studies) at the University of Notre Dame
9:45 a.m. – Q&A with Dr. Fagerberg
10:00 a.m. – Break! 10:05 a.m. – Eucharistic Hymnody – Ellen Friesen
10:45 a.m. – Break! 11:00 a.m. – Introduction to Vespers: History and Theology – Edith Lagarde, Jon Wheeler11:20 a.m. – The Structure of Vespers – Daniel Tucker11:40 a.m. – Run-through of vespers and discussion / Q&A12:05 p.m. – Lunch!12:50 p.m. – How to Chant Vespers – Daniel Tucker, Jon Wheeler1:30 p.m. – All participants pray vespers


The primary way to foster the participation of the People of God in the sacred rite is the proper celebration of the rite itself. The ars celebrandi is the best way to ensure their actuosa participatio [active interior and exterior participation]. … The Church’s great liturgical tradition teaches us that fruitful participation in the liturgy requires that one be personally conformed to the mystery being celebrated, offering one’s life to God in unity with the sacrifice of Christ for the salvation of the whole world.

—  Pope Benedict XVI, Sacramentum Caritatis

Our Mission

Our primary service is to the diocesan Bishop, the chief priest and liturgist of the local Church. With him we foster liturgical practice that nourishes and strengthens the spiritual life of the People of God. We also serve priests who, at the Bishop’s delegation, preside at liturgical prayer within their parishes and institutions. With them, we encourage authentic worship that is both sensitive to the needs of the parishioners and faithful to the directives of the Church. A further area of service includes assistance to liturgical ministers, initiation directors, sacred musicians, liturgical committees, and all those responsible for preparing and implementing the various rites of the Church. To these we offer basic training and on-going formation in the art and skills of public prayer. In this way, we desire to serve Catholics in our Diocese by leading them to a “full, conscious and active participation” that is born from a well-formed interior life of prayer. Some of the services provided by the Office of Worship include

  • Assisting with diocesan Masses and other special liturgical events.
  • Serving as a resource on liturgical matters to the priests, religious, and laity of the Diocese.
  • Consultation for sacred art and architecture projects, such as issues surrounding the renovation and construction of sacred places within the Diocese.
  • Training for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick and Lectors.
  • “Afternoon of Reflection” retreats for liturgical ministers, and other educational opportunities for the Diocese.

Diocesan Guidelines And Norms

Liturgical Newsletters & Calendars



The following materials have been prepared to aid in the implementation of the OCIA in the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend.


Resources for Mass and Liturgy

Parish staff may send these files to any printer, or they may print them themselves.

Ordinario de la Misa – Español

Hoja de 8.5×11 que se puede imprimir con las oraciones y textos de la Misa.

Order of the Mass – English

8.5×11 that can be printed with the prayers and texts of the Mass.

Bilingual Exposition & Benediction
of the Blessed Sacrament
/ Exposición y Bendición
con el Santísimo Sacramento

8.5×11 that, when printed double-sided, will automatically paginate in the correct order.

Office of Worship Contact Info

Brian W. MacMichael 
Phone: (260) 399-1426 
[email protected] 

Karen M. Fitzpatrick 
Administrative Assistant 
Rite of Election, Chrism Mass and registration questions 
Phone: (260) 399-1414 
Hours: 1-4:30 p.m. 
[email protected]