Saint Augustine Men’s Group

If you struggle with a sexual addiction, you are not alone. You are invited to join other men in a community of support, encouragement, and healing in this fight for freedom.

With chapters in Fort Wayne and South Bend, we welcome all men age 18 or older – regardless of faith, background, or sexual orientation – who are seeking real freedom. We don’t judge or criticize, no matter where you are on your path. We encourage the practice of accountability, honesty, and utilizing practical tools through a structure rooted in prayer, camaraderie, and authentic conversation. 

Chapters and Locations

Our support groups meet twice monthly for one-hour meetings that are focused on accountability and practical tools and that are rooted in faith and authenticity.

You may email us in advance to join our contact list, or you may simply show up. No commitment is necessary, and all participation during meetings is voluntary and strictly confidential.

St. Peter, Fort Wayne

St. Vincent de Paul, Fort Wayne

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Fort Wayne

St. Anthony de Padua, South Bend

Unable to make an in-person meeting?

If you are unable to make one of the listed meeting locations and times, you are still invited to contact us: [email protected]

We believe you deserve true freedom, and we will do our best to connect you to resources, practical tools, and support.


St. Anthony de Padua
2320 E. Jefferson Blvd
South Bend, IN 46615


First and third Saturdays of each month
8-9 a.m.


Saint Augustine Men’s Group meets in a parish meeting room. Due to the location and the church layout, it is difficult to provide a visual map or directions in writing. New members are encouraged to email [email protected] in advance of attending. A member of the group will then meet you outside the entrance to the church and show you where meetings take place.


St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
10700 Aboite Center Road
Fort Wayne, IN 46804


First and third Saturdays of each month
9:30-10:30 a.m.


Park in the parking lot located off Aboite Rd. Enter through the parish entrance, labeled Door #2. The Fr. Solanus room is located to the left after you