Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades

Installed as the 9th bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend on January 13, 2010.

About our Bishop

Installed as 9th bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend on January 13, 2010, Most Reverend Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades is the son of the late Charles and Mary Rhoades, and the brother of Charles Rhoades and Robin McCracken. He was born November 26, 1957, in Mahanoy City, Pennsylvania, located in Schuylkill County in the Diocese of Allentown, and baptized at Saint Canicus Church there. He grew up in Lebanon, PA, where he was a member of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish. He attended the former Saint Mary’s School in Lebanon and graduated from Lebanon Catholic High School in 1975. 

All Christians are earnest to speak the truth in charity and join with all peace-loving people in pleading for peace and trying to bring it about.

—  Gaudium et Spes, 78

Public Schedule of Bishop Rhoades

Monday, February 3: 5 p.m. – Mass for Catholic Nurses’ Association, Holy Spirit Chapel, Le Mans Hall, Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame  Tuesday, February 4: 9:30 a.m. – Meeting with… Read More

Issues, Action, and Topics

Explore what Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades has to say on a number of issues. Click the arrow to the right to view more.

Faithful Citizenship

“Faithful citizenship demands that Catholics hold fast to the teachings of the Church and not succumb to the temptation of adopting positions of either political party that are inimical to the truths of our faith.”

Human Sexuality

“We must love all our brothers and sisters, including persons with same-sex attraction, while also upholding the true meaning of marriage.”


“While the Catholic Church recognizes and respects the right of every nation to regulate its borders, this right must be balanced with the rights of vulnerable migrants to access protection and with the fundamental right of all to life and dignity as human persons as well as the rights of parents and the family, the cradle of life and love, the first and vital cell of society.”


“The Gospel of Life is a seamless garment covering many issues involving human life and dignity. Respect for human life from the moment of conception is an integral part of the message of salvation and the mission of the Church, and the first principle of its social teaching upon which every other human right is founded.”


“Racism is a pervasive social evil that we must be committed to fighting and eradicating wherever we find it, in ourselves and in society. It is antithetical to our Christian faith which proclaims the dignity of every human person created in the image and likeness of God.”

Refugees and Persecution

“While the Church recognizes the right of every sovereign nation to control its borders in order to promote the common good, it also recognizes the right of people to migrate in order to survive and to live in dignity and safety. Refugees should not be left to languish in camps or left homeless.”


 “It has been beautiful for me to see our spiritual solidarity during this pandemic.”

Clergy Abuse Crisis

“The priesthood is an office of love. The abuse of a minor is a grave violation of that love, not only causing terrible emotional, psychological and physical harm, but also damaging the soul. It is evil.”

Upcoming Bishop Events

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Coat of Arms

The coat of arms for Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades, ninth bishop of the Diocese of Fort Wayne–South Bend, combines diocesan and personal elements.