Diocesan Finance Council
The Diocesan Finance Council is established by the Bishop of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend for the purpose of advising and assisting him in financial matters, in accord with the norms of canon law.
The Finance Council and the Finance Officer
From the Code of Canon Law
Can. 492 §1. In every diocese a Finance council is to be established, over which the diocesan bishop himself or his delegate presides and which consists of at least three members of the Christian faithful truly expert in Financial affairs and civil law, outstanding in integrity, and appointed by the bishop.
§2. Members of the Finance council are to be appointed for Five years, but at the end of this period they can be appointed for other Five year terms.
§3. Persons who are related to the bishop up to the fourth degree of consanguinity or affnity are excluded from the Finance council.
Can. 493 In addition to the functions entrusted to it in Book V, The Temporal Goods of the Church, the Finance council prepares each year, according to the directions of the diocesan bishop, a budget of the income and expenditures which are foreseen for the entire governance of the diocese in the coming year and at the end of the year examines an account of the revenues and expenses.
Can. 494 §1. In every diocese, after having heard the college of consultors and the Finance council, the bishop is to appoint a Finance officer who is truly expert in Financial affairs and absolutely distinguished for honesty.
§2. The Finance officer is to be appointed for a Five year term but can be appointed for other Five year terms at the end of this period. The finance officer is not to be removed while in this function except for a grave cause to be assessed by the bishop after he has heard the college of consultors and the Finance council.
§3. It is for the Finance officer to administer the goods of the diocese under the authority of the bishop in accord with the budget determined by the Finance council and, from the income of the diocese, to meet expenses which the bishop or others designated by him have legitimately authorized.
§4. At the end of the year, the Finance officer must render an account of receipts and expenditures to the Finance council.
Acts of Extraordinary Administration by Diocesan Bishop
The Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend operates in accordance with the below decree:
Wherefore, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, in accord with the norm of canon 1277, decrees that the following are to be considered acts of extraordinary administration, the canonical validity of which requires the diocesan bishop to obtain the consent of the diocesan finance council and the college of consultors:
1. Initiating a program of financing by the issuance of instruments such as bonds, annuities, mortgages or bank debt in excess of the minimum amount set in accord with canon 1292, §1.
2. Resolving an individual or aggregate claim(s) by financial settlement in excess of the minimum amount set in accord with canon 1292, §1.
3. Engaging in the regular management or operation of a trade or business that is not substantially related to the performance of the religious, spiritual, educational or charitable purposes of the Church, for the purpose of generating income to carry on such activities.
4. Entering into any financial transaction or contractual agreement, the terms of which address matters involving an actual or potential conflict of interest for the diocesan bishop, auxiliary bishop(s), vicar(s) general, episcopal vicar(s), or diocesan finance officer.
Diocesan Finance Council Members
Updated 7/25/2023
Most Rev. Kevin C. Rhoades
Bishop of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend
Chair of the Diocesan Finance Council
Email: [email protected]
Term expires: N/A
Jacob Benedict
Certified Financial Advisor
Term Expires: Sept 2027
Meg Distler
Executive Director, Community Foundation
Term expires: Feb. 2026
Bob Doelling
Term expires: Aug. 2026
Timothy Dolezal
Certified Financial Advisor
Term expires Jan. 2025
Rev. Mark Gurtner, JCL
Vicar General/Chancellor
Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend
Term expires: N/A
Mike Hammes
Retired Banker
Term expires: Aug. 2026
Donna Lamberti
Christian Brothers Services
Term expires: Sept. 2024
Chris Murphy
Bank Chairman/President/CEO
Term expires: Mar. 2026
Joe Ryan
Chief Financial Officer
Term expires: N/A
Thomas Skiba
Certified Public Accountant
Cell: 260-433-5711
Home: 260-436-1003
Email: [email protected]
Term expires: Aug. 2023
James Schindler II
Business President
Term expires: Sept. 2024
Tom Schuerman
Parish Business Manager
Term expires: Aug 2026
Linda Teeters
Chief FInancial Officer
Term expires: May 2027
George Witwer
Business Owner
Term expires: May 2026