Natural Family Planning

Natural Family Planning (NFP), sometimes called Fertility Awareness Based Methods (FAMB), is a term for scientifically based, morally acceptable methods of regulating conception based on daily observation and interpretation of the natural signs of fertility and infertility which occur in a woman’s body. Using this knowledge, a couple can identify the days on which conception is possible should they desire to either achieve or to avoid a pregnancy. International studies confirm that, when used to avoid pregnancy, NFP has an effectiveness rate of 98-99% for a couple who has been properly instructed and who follows the method carefully.

NFP provides a healthy, highly effective method of family planning for a very low cost and with no harmful side effects. It can be used successfully at all stages in a woman’s life, including during breast-feeding and perimenopause. Couples who practice NFP often develop a deeper awe for one another’s bodies, for the gift of their joint fertility and for the privilege of parenthood. Many couples also find that the mutual respect, regular communication, shared responsibility and self-restraint required by the practice of NFP enrich their relationship and strengthen their marriage.

Online NFP Support Group

4th Wednesdays of the month
8-9 p.m. Eastern Time via Zoom

Are you looking for some support and fellowship in using natural family planning? Join Marriage & Family Ministry for their monthly online support group for NFP users in the diocese.

Email Caty at [email protected] for the Zoom meeting link and passcode.

Cervical Mucus Methods (CMM)

The methods that observe cervical mucus are commonly called the “Ovulation Method” or “OM.” In NFP education, a woman learns how to identify the normal, healthy, cervical mucus which indicates the days that sexual intercourse is most likely to result in pregnancy.

Sympto-Thermal Methods (STM)

The methods that observe several signs of fertility and cross-check two or more of the signs to pinpoint ovulation are commonly called the “Sympto-Thermal Method” or “STM.” STM typically combines charting of the Basal Body Temperature (BBT) and cervical mucus with other optional indicators, such as changes in the cervix and secondary fertility signs.

Sympto-Hormonal Method (SHM)

The method that observes several signs of fertility and adds the use of an ovulation predictor kit (OPK) or fertility monitor is called the “Sympto-Hormonal Method” or “SHM.” Similar to the STM, this approach adds the self-detection of reproductive hormones in the urine with the assistance of an OPK or fertility monitor.

Introduction to Natural Family Planning

This two-hour introductory session is offered during the evening periodically throughout the year via Zoom. All are invited to register and join us!

There are options for learning a method of NFP in each of these categories, whether through in-person instruction or online platforms. Please click the links below or on the sidebar for more information.

Fort Wayne Area: In-Person NFP Instruction


The Creighton Model Education Foundation, Inc.
Provides funds for Creighton Model FertilityCare Services; visit their website here for in-person and online teaching sessions or here for the Teacher-Training program.
Anne Therese Stephens, CFCP
Phone: 262-527-2364
Email: [email protected]
Theresa Schortgen, RN, CFCP, CFCE 
Home: 260-749-6706
Cell: 260-494-6444
Email: [email protected]
Stephanie Hamilton, CFCP
Phone: 260-610-3777
Email: [email protected]

Marisol Jimenez, MBA, FCPI
Teaches in both English and Spanish
Email:  [email protected]
Phone number: 773-715-7370

FertilityCare Services at Fertility and Midwifery Care Center
10228 Dupont Circle Drive Suite 100
Fort Wayne IN 46825
Phone: 260-222-7401
On site and Long Distance Teaching Available
FertilityCare Practitioners include:
Kim Krish RN, CFCP
Stephanie Wilson, RMA FCPI
Patience Renner, RN, CFCP
Long distance teaching available with Emmaline King, FCP

THE COUPLE TO COUPLE LEAGUE  (Sympto-Thermal method)

Patrick and Monica Carrillo-Klein
Marion, IN  (also willing to teach within a 30-45 min. radius of Marion)
Cell: 765.243.4944
Home: 765.668.8034
Email: [email protected]

Steve and Tammy Gladding
Fort Wayne, IN
Home: 260.639.6008
Cell: 260.348.8121
Email: [email protected]

South Bend Area: In-Person NFP Instruction


Saint Joseph FertilityCare™ Center
611 E Douglas Rd. Suite 408 Mishawaka, IN 46545
Click here for a schedule of this year’s introductory sessions.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 574.335.6474  Fax: 574.335.0807
Instructors: Kat Niswonger BSN, CFCP
Suzy Younger MS, CFCP
Kelly Olson, FCP
Liz Kreeger, FCP

Alice Wheeler, FCP
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 574-971-7512

Fertility Education and Medical Management  (FEMM)
(Sympto-Hormonal Method)
For more information about the FEMM method, please visit

Lauren Cox, CNM
Sacred Journey Midwifery
1155 Lighthouse Lane
Goshen, IN 46526
Phone: 385-274-6526
Email:  [email protected]

Ryenn Andreassi – Fertility Educator 
Email: [email protected]
Available for virtual instruction if needed

Sarah Kruis
Email: [email protected]
Available for in-person instruction in the Michiana area

Kristin Soukup
Email: [email protected]

Michelle Bennett
Email: [email protected]

Marquette Method (Sympto-Hormonal Method)
Audrey Conley, RN
Phone number: 574-250-2873
Email: [email protected]

Julia Valle, RN, BSN
Email: [email protected]

Natural Family Planning Program of St. Joseph County
(Sympto-Thermal Method, Cervical Mucus Method)
Director: Janet Bettcher, RN, BSN
Additional Instructor: Cathy Rakowski, Ph.D
The Life Center
2018 Ironwood Circle
South Bend, IN 46635
Phone: 574.904.3985
Email: [email protected]

Online NFP Instruction

Cervical Mucus Method

The Billings Ovulation Method Association (BOMA—USA) offers live, online instruction in English or Spanish using either Skype, Zoom or go-to-meeting. Visit their website at this link  and contact one their instructors to arrange for a personalized class. Teachers often will charge a package price that includes all materials and follow-ups. Generally, it is about $135 but can be less or more depending on the teacher.


Anne Therese Stephens, CFCP
Teaches via skype
Email: [email protected]

Stephanie Hamilton, CFCP
Online instruction available
Email: [email protected]

Marisol Jimenez, FCPI
Teaches in both English and Spanish via skype
Email:  [email protected]

Theresa Schortgen, RN, CFCP, CFCE
Teaches via skype
Email: [email protected]

St. Joseph FertilityCare™ Center
Online instruction available
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 574.335.6474
Instructors: Kat Niswonger BSN, CFCP
Suzy Younger MS, CFCP
Kelly Olson, FCP
Liz Kreeger, FCP

Sympto-Thermal Method (STM)

The Couple to Couple League (Symptom-Thermal method) offers 2 online modes of instruction: Live Online and Self-paced Online. Each course costs $135 and includes the following:   1. An instructor assigned to each couple for questions and follow-up  2. The Art of Natural Family Planning Student Guide  3.  Free CycleproGo app for 6 months   4.  Free digital and print subscription to Family Foundations magazine for one year 5.  Free lifetime consultation
Financial assistance is available, as is a Certificate of Completion.
For more information, visit their website here.

Sympto-Hormonal Method  (SHM)

Marquette Method
Audrey Conley, RN
Phone number: 574-250-2873
Email: [email protected]

Julia Valle, RN, BSN
Email: [email protected]

Whole Mission
The cost of these online courses is $125 for group instruction or $175 for individual instruction.
Certificates for marriage preparation are available as needed.
Please click here for a list of instructors.

Fertility Education and Medical Management (FEMM)

Ryenn Andreassi – Fertility Educator 
Email: [email protected]

Michelle Bennett
Email: [email protected]
FEMM offers online classes as well as a free app. Please visit their online class schedule here.

Vitae Fertility
Louise Boychuk, Catholic nurse and a Marquette Method NFP instructor leads a team of nurse-instructors who teach the Marquette Method online in one-on-one, confidential sessions to couples all over the United States. Their comprehensive package includes instruction materials, follow-up for one year and much more. For more information, and to sign up for a free consultation to see if the Marquette Method is a good fit for you, go to

Additional NFP Resources


What is Natural Family Planning? – Frequently Asked Questions (USCCB)


Use of Natural Family Planning (NFP) and Its Effect on Couple Relationships and Sexual Satisfaction: A Multi-Country Survey of NFP Users from US and Europe 

An Online NFP Program for Breastfeeding Women: A Research Review 

Natural Family Planning and the Effects of Periodic Abstinence on Marital Relationships


A Brief History of Scientific Advances and Development of Natural or Fertility Awareness Based Methods (FABMs): Part I

A Brief History of Scientific Advances and Development of Natural or Fertility Awareness Based Methods (FABMs): Part II


Encouragement for Those New to NFP…from Those Who Have Been There link

Connections by Jennifer and John Campbell
A young couple shares their experience of how NFP has enriched their marriage link

5 Ways NFP Has Benefited Our Marriage
A husband’s perspective on the benefits of NFP link 

NFP, the Theology of the Body and Our Marriage by Michael and Alysha Chambers 
A couple’s witness story link

The Catholic Bedroom: Learning to Love through NFP by Megan Gettinger link

Escape from Fuddledom by Sharon and Mike Phelan
A candid and thoughtful reflection on spiritual conversion and NFP link

Signs of Grace by Jennifer Ricard
An NFP teacher shares how she and her husband embraced the Church’s teachings on conjugal love and responsible parenthood link

Be Her Joseph by Tom Mealey
A husband reflects on his appreciation of NFP and his spiritual journey in striving to be a better husband and father link

Abstinence and the Love Languages
Practical and creative ways to show love during periods of abstinence link 


 A comprehensive database of Church teaching on married love, sex, responsible parenthood and NFP, compiled by the NFP ministry staff of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) link

Physicians Providing NaProTECHNOLOGY in the Diocese of Fort Wayne – South Bend

NaProTECHNOLOGY (Natural Procreative Technology) is a women’s health science that, using the Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System biomarkers, monitors and maintains a woman’s reproductive and gynecological health. When these systems function abnormally, NaProTECHNOLOGY identifies the problems and provides medical and surgical treatments that cooperate completely with the reproductive system.

Click to View All Physicians