Statement of Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades at Death of Bishop John M. D’Arcy
February 3, 2013
Today our beloved Bishop Emeritus John M. D’Arcy died in the peace of Christ. I am filled with deep sadness at the death of a dear friend and brother bishop. We mourn the death of a good shepherd after the heart of Christ, a bishop who loved the Lord and his people with all his heart. We are comforted at this time by our faith in the Resurrection. As we share the pain of loss, Our Lord’s promise of eternal life gives us joy and hope.
Bishop D’Arcy faced death as he also lived his life: with deep faith and trust in God. He offered his prayers and sufferings this past month for the people he loved and served with joy and faithfulness these past 28 years in the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend.
I thank the faithful of our diocese for the many prayers offered for Bishop D’Arcy in his final days. Your loving and prayerful support brought him much joy and comfort. I thank Maureen Schott, the Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration, Dr. Joseph Muhler and the other doctors, nurses and hospice care workers who assisted Bishop D’Arcy with such great care in his final days.
On behalf of the priests, deacons, religious sisters and brothers, and lay faithful of our diocese, I extend heartfelt condolences to Bishop D’Arcy’s beloved sisters, Sister Anne D’Arcy, a Sister of Saint Joseph, and Mrs. Joan Sheridan and her family.
I invite all to join me in prayer for our deceased shepherd that God may bring Bishop D’Arcy to everlasting peace and rest. The Lord has called him home. May the Lord welcome him among the saints in glory!
Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades