Answer the call by God to serve as a strong Catholic leaders in the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend.

At some point, most teachers felt the call to be a teacher. Perhaps a family member or a former teacher said to you, “have you ever thought about being a teacher? You would make a good one.” Perhaps God planted the seed in your heart to consider the vocation of teaching. Hopefully, you have found joy ministering amongst the children amongst whom our Lord himself loved to be near.
If you notice in the scriptural passage above, Andrew and Peter had jobs. They were busy working as fisherman. Then our Lord came to them in the midst of their daily work and invited them to follow him and to be fishers of men.
The calling to be a Catholic school leader is not unlike the call of Peter and Andrew. It is a call within a call. There is a call to be a Catholic school teacher, and an additional call to serve as a Catholic school leader. Indeed, the vocation of every Christian is to aspire to answer the call to follow him.
The Aspiring Catholic Leaders program, formerly the prospective principals program, is for teachers who aspire to answer the call by God to serve as a strong Catholic leaders in the Diocese of Fort Wayne – South Bend. The goal of the program is to develop school principals that have a strong foundation in the National Benchmarks and Standards for an Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary School.
A Catholic school leader has three basic roles; as the spiritual leader, educational leader, and as a manager. The principal provides leadership designed to maximize the spiritual, educational, social, and personal development of each individual student and every member of the school community. The program provides the necessary training, professional development, and faith formation for those three basic roles of a Catholic school leader.
The Diocese of Fort Wayne – South Bend has partnered with the National Catholic Education Association (NCEA) Regional Principal Institute to provide professional development in Mission and Catholic Identity, Governance and Leadership, Academic Excellence, and Operational Vitality in addition to the Diocesan training.
As he was walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon who is called Peter, and his brother Andrew, casting a net into the sea; they were fishermen. He said to them, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.”At once they left their nets and followed him.
Matthew 4:18-20
Frequently Asked Questions
The purpose of the Aspiring Catholic Leaders Program is the development of Catholic school principals. The Diocese of Fort Wayne – South Bend is committed to developing strong Catholic leaders for our schools. The Diocese has partnered with the National Catholic Education Association to create a program to help develop strong Catholic leaders.
Professional development and other trainings are required as part of the program. A participant will be required to attend New Principal Induction meetings, the four NCEA Regional Principal Professional Development workshops, and additional faith formation days. Participants will also be required to shadow a Catholic school administrator one day at a time with a total of four days per semester.
The candidate must be Catholic, have 5 years of teaching experience, willing to pay 1/3rd of tuition cost, have a recommendation from their current principal or pastor, have good evaluations, and provide an essay/philosophy of Catholic school leadership. A letter of acceptance to an approved educational leadership program is required. Candidates must apply to administrator openings in Diocese.
See approved program list
Complete the Aspiring Catholic Leaders Program application below. You will need to upload a brief resume, a letter of recommendation from a current principal or pastor, a letter of acceptance into an educational leadership program from an approved college or university, an essay on your philosophy of Catholic school leadership, and the principal signature page from your current principal. Applications are due to the Catholic Schools Office by July 15.
The Diocese provides tuition assistance through the educational assistance plan.
The educational assistance plan furnishes educational assistance to employees of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend. The plan covers a portion of the tuition fees. The plan does not cover the cost of books, supplies, or meals, lodging, and travel. Contact the Catholic Schools Office for more details.
Contact Us
915 South Clinton Street
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46801
Phone: (260) 422-4611
Fax: (260) 426-3077
Rev. Emmanuel Abuh

Rev. Gregory Abuya

South Bend, Indiana 46614
South Bend, Indiana 46614
Rev. Tegha Afuhwi Nji
Rev. Jonathan Agbedo

Rev. Sunday Akuh

Rev. Tyrell Alles, OSB

New Haven, Indiana 46774
Rev. Kenneth Amadi

Rev. Michael Ammer

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46816
Rev. Samuel Anderson
Paul Arend
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Rev. José Arroyo

Plymouth, Indiana 46563
Plymouth, Indiana 46563
Deacon Dan Avila
Columbia City, Indiana 46725
Roanoke, Indiana 46783
Rev. Thadeus Balinda

Rev. Zachary Barry

Rev. Kevin Bauman

Rev. Dale Bauman

Columbia City, Indiana 46725
Roanoke, Indiana 46783
Ellen Becker

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Anne Blombach
Jeff Boetticher

Mishawaka, Indiana 46544
Christine Bonahoom-Nix

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Rev. Craig Borchard

Cathy Bracht

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Rev. Edward Brodsky, FSSP
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46806
Matthew Brower
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Rev. Andrew Budzinski

South Bend, Indiana 46613
Caty Burke

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Deacon Steve Burkins
Deacon John Burzynski
South Bend, Indiana 46613
Deacon Robert Byrne
Deacon Juan Campos
Rev. Felipe Campos, CSC

South Bend, Indiana 46619
South Bend, Indiana 46619
Janice Cantrell, M.A.
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
The diocesan archivist collects, preserves, and makes available for research the official records of the diocese and those ancillary records which reflect the work of the church.
Rev. Brian Carpenter

Rev. Carlos Casavantes
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46806
Deacon Marco Castillo
Rev. Brian Ching, CSC
Notre Dame, Indiana 46556
Rev. Michael Chukwudi
Rev. Daniel Chukwuleta
Rev. Francis Chukwuma, JCD
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46808
Deacon Joe Cochran
Rev. Stephen Colchin
Rev. John Conley
Rev. Terrance Coonan, Jr.

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46804
Very Rev. Matthew Coonan

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46816
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Ordained at Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception June 11, 2011
Appointed pastor of St. Henry Parish, June 23, 2020.
Appointed Episcopal Vicar for Clergy, July 1, 2021.
Rev. Cameron Cortens, CSC

Rev. Wilson Corzo

Rev. Andrew Curry
Auburn, Indiana 46706
Rev. Donald Davison, CPPS

Ms. Karen DeRose

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Rev. Peter Dee De

Rev. Paolo Degasperi

Rev. John Delaney

South Bend, Indiana 46614
South Bend, Indiana 46614
Rev. Dennis Di Benedetto
Monroeville, Indiana 46773
Deacon Joseph Dietz
Rev. Quang Dinh, SVD

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Deacon Roger Dinius
Huntington, Indiana 46750
Huntington, Indiana 46750
Rev. Oscar Duarte
Rev. Robert D’Souza
Rev. Theodore Ekwem

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46807
Deacon Frederick Everett

South Bend, Indiana 46613
Lisa Everett

Mishawaka, Indiana 46544
Rev. John Eze
Rev. Matt Fase, CSC

Rev. Matthew Fase, CSC

Rev. Stephen Felicichia
Rev. James Fenstermaker, CSC
Rev. Cyril Fernandes
Vicki Ferrier

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Karen Fitzpatrick

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Rev. Brian Florin
Deacon Michael Forbes, JCL, MCL, MSBE
Mishawaka, Indiana 46545
Rev. LeeAllen Fortin
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46804
Rev. Louis Fowoyo
Rome City, Indiana 46784
Rev. Jason Freiburger

Mishawaka, Indiana 46545
Ordained: October 27, 2007
Msgr. John Fritz, FSSP
Deacon James Fuchs
Elkhart, Indiana 46514
Deacon William Gallagher
Deacon Jeff Gallagher
Notre Dame, Indiana 46556
Deacon Alejandro Garcia
South Bend, Indiana 46613
Joseph Garcia

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Rev. Jorge Garcia, FM

Angola, Indiana 46703
LaGrange, Indiana 46761
Deacon Ricardo Garcia Ramos
Ligonier, Indiana 46767
Deb Gase

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Property Insurance / Accounts Receivable / CMS
Molly Gettinger

Mishawaka, Indiana 46544
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46856
Mike Gibson

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Dr. Alex Giltner
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Deacon Louis Giovannini
Mary Glowaski

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Mediation of Pastoral Concerns
St. Augustine’s Men’s Ministry
Rev. Royce Gregerson
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46835
Very Rev. Mark Gurtner, JCD

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46805
Director of Deacon Personnel, Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend
Continuing Formation of Priests and Deacons, Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend
Ordained Priest: Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Fort Wayne, November 30, 1996
Appointed Vicar General of the Diocese, June 19, 2018
Nicole Hahn

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Rev. Patrick Hake
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46808
Jeff Harlan
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Jessica Hayes

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46825
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
At St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Jessica Hayes is a Liturgical Minister/Pastoral Associate
Deacon Phil Hayes
Rev. Mark Hellinger

Rev. John Herman, CSC
Clare Hildebrandt
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46856
Francie Hogan

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46856
Rev. Jay Horning
Wabash, Indiana 46992
Lagro, Indiana 46941
Cheryl Horrell
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Rev. Brian Isenbarger

Rev. Eloy Jimenez
Rev. Fernando Jiménez
Elizabeth Jones

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Deacon Noah Junge, CSC
Rev. David Kashangaki, CSC
South Bend, Indiana 46601
RCIA, St. Patrick
Mr. Jeff Kieffer

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Gina Kitchen
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Deacon James Kitchens
Claire Klinedinst

Mishawaka, Indiana 46544
Rev. Daniel Koehl
Rev. Glenn Kohrman
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46819
Deacon Jerry Kohrman
Rev. Robert Krisch
Deacon Raymond Krouse
Rome City, Indiana 46784
Rev. Caleb Kruse

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46825
Rev. James Kumbakkeel, OSB
Rev. William Kummer
Deacon Thomas Labuzienski
South Bend, Indiana 46617
Rev. Stephen Lacroix, CSC
Rev. Ben Landrigan
South Bend, Indiana 46613
Rev. Zane Langenbrunner
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46825
Rev. David Langford
Rev. Christopher Lapp

Mishawaka, Indiana 46544
Deacon Stanley LeMieux

Ligonier, Indiana 46767
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Director of Formation, Permanent Diaconate
Under the direction of the Director of Deacon Personnel, ascertains and responds to the overall needs of diaconal ministry in the diocese. Coordinates and oversees the Deacon Community Board.
Sheryl Lee

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Rev. Keeton Lockwood
Laotto, Indiana 46763
Churubusco, Indiana 46723
Mr. Carl Loesch

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Mishawaka, Indiana 46544
Ayari Lopez

Mishawaka, Indiana 46544
Deacon Robert Lortie
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46815
Brian MacMichael

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Mishawaka, Indiana 46544
Assists the bishop in his care for the sacred liturgy; provides programs and resources for liturgical practice and for the initial and ongoing formation of liturgical ministers. The Worship Office is a support and resource for the RCIA, including the coordination of diocesan rites. Assists with liturgical aspects of church renovation and new church building.
Jodi Marlin

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Administrative Assistant for Pastoral Care
Rev. Jose Raul Marroquin-Monroy
Angola, Indiana 46703
LaGrange, Indiana 46761
Janice Martin, WP

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Rev. Nathan Maskal
Mr. David Maugel

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Rev. William Meininger
Patrick Melton
Mishawaka, Indiana 46544
Rev. Jacob Meyer

Deacon Orlando Miranda-Figueroa
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Mary Ellen Moss

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Deacon Giovani Muñoz Reyes
Goshen, Indiana 46526
Director of Religious Education, St. John the Evangelist Parish
Rev. Andrew Nazareth
Deacon Christian Nieves
Rev. Daniel Niezer
Mishawaka, Indiana 46544
Bremen, Indiana 46506
Chaplain, Marian High School
Diocesan Promoter of Priestly
Rev. Levi Nkwocha

Rev. Jonathan Norton
Warsaw, Indiana 46580
Diocesan Director of Seminarians
Ordained: June 6, 2015
Rev. Joachim Oforchukwu, CSSp
South Bend, Indiana 46601
Rev. Emmanuel Ojeifo
Rev. Julius Okojie
Rev. Eustace Okorie

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46825
Rev. Luke Okoye
Deacon Blas Olayo
Elkhart, Indiana 46516
Rev. Evaristo Olivera

Rev. Augustine Onuoha
Granger, Indiana 46530
Granger, Indiana 46530
Deacon Andy Oross
Deacon Maximo Ortega
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46819
Rev. John Overmyer
Rev. Peter Pacini, CSC
Rev. Logan Parrish
Rev. Desmond Perera
Decatur, Indiana 46733
Patty Phillips
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Msgr. Bruce Piechocki, JCL
Yoder, Indiana 46798
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Promoter of Justice, Diocesan Tribunal
Rev. Ryan Pietrocarlo, CSC
South Bend, Indiana 46619
South Bend, Indiana 46619
Pastor, St. Adalbert Parish and St. Casimir Parish
Deacon Michael Plenzler
South Bend, Indiana 46615
Rev. Peter Puleo, CSC

Mishawaka, Indiana 46544
Rev. Osman Ramos, FM

Angola, Indiana 46703
LaGrange, Indiana 46761
Fremont, Indiana 46737
Deacon Stephen Reed
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46804
Most Rev. Kevin Rhoades

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Marci Rittmanic

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Rev. Constantino Rocha
Jocelyn Rouch

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Rev. Jacob Runyon, JCL

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Judicial Vicar, Tribunal, Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend
First Court Judge, Diocesan Tribunal
Ordained Priest: Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Fort Wayne, October 31, 2009
Appointed Rector of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, June 19, 2018
Appointed Judicial Vicar June 19, 2018
Rev. David Ruppert
Decatur, Indiana 46733
Pastor, St. Mary of the Assumption, Decatur
Ordained October 29, 2005
Deacon José Ruvalcaba
South Bend, Indiana 46619
South Bend, Indiana 46619
Joseph Ryan

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Rev. Daryl Rybicki
South Bend, Indiana
South Bend, Indiana 46628
Deacon Victor Sandoval
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Rev. John Santone, CSC

South Bend, Indiana 46628
Rev. Dominic Savoie, FSSP
Rev. Daniel Scheidt
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46825
Joshua Schipper

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802