Tour of the relics of Blessed Carlo Acutis and St. Manuel González García
February 8-14, 2023, during this Eucharistic Revival, you are invited to visit one of many locations across the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend to venerate the first-class relics of Blessed Carlo Acutis and St. Manuel González García, both of whom are renowned for their devotion to the Eucharist.
Tour Dates and Locations
Feb. 8 | St. Adalbert, South Bend
Feb. 9 | St. Matthew Cathedral, South Bend
Feb. 10 | St. Pius X, Granger
Feb. 11 | Sacred Heart, Warsaw
Feb 12 | Sacred Heart and Our Lady of Guadalupe, Warsaw
Feb 13 | St. Joseph, Fort Wayne
Feb 14 | St. Vincent de Paul, Fort Wayne
When: 8:15 a.m. – 1 p.m. in the main church. 1 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. in the Oratory of Saint Mary Magdalene. 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the main church for Mass.
Mass and adoration times:
8:15 a.m. Mass in main church (English)
6:30 p.m. Votive Mass of the Holy Eucharist in the main church with Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades (English)
Where: Church: 1502 E Wallen Rd, Fort Wayne; Oratory: 1711 E Wallen Rd, Fort Wayne
Parking and entrance: Church: park in any of the parking lots that surround the church, accessible off either E. Wallen or Auburn roads, and enter through church doors facing south our east. Oratory: park in the parking lot off of E. Wallen road and enter through the front doors facing E. Wallen Rd.
Handicap Accessibility:
- Parking: 12 spots close to east entrance (off Wallen Rd.)
- Entrance: There is an accessible entrance with an automatic door
- Seating: Multiple options in front and back pews
- Restrooms: Family/Wheelchair Accessible restroom in gathering space close to entrance to the Nave. Additional wheelchair accessible stalls are in the men’ and women’s restrooms closer to the main entrance (south)
When: 8:15 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Mass and adoration times:
8:15 a.m. School Mass (English)
Adoration from 9:15 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m. Mass (Spanish)
Where: 2213 Brooklyn Ave., Fort Wayne, IN 46802
Parking and entrance: Park in the parking lot across from the church on Hale Ave. Enter through the Church’s side entrance off Hale Ave.
Handicap Accessibility:
- Parking: Five spots available in lot on same side as church
- Entrance:
- Seating: Double pew to accommodate individuals in wheelchairs is the first pew inside of door #12, families generally sit in the pew behind
- Restrooms: There are no wheelchair-accessible restrooms in the church
Sacred Heart Parish
When: 7:30 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.
Mass time: 8 a.m. (English)
Where: 125 N Harrison St, Warsaw, IN 46580
Parking and entrance: Parking is located off Fort Wayne Street. Enter through the main church doors.
Handicap Accessibility:
- Parking: There are eight accessible spots in the small lot to the left of the main entrance
- Entrance: There is a level walk leading to door. While the automatic door does not always function properly, greeters will be on site to open the door
- Seating: accessible spaces are located in the front and back
- Restrooms: There is no automatic door to enter. The “Handicap Accessible” stall is smaller than most and does not provide enough room for individuals to transfer from their wheelchairs
Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish
When: 10:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Mass times: 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. (Both in Spanish)
Where: 225 Gilliam Dr, Warsaw, IN 46580
Parking and entrance: Park in the church parking lot off Gilliam Drive. Enter through the main church doors facing Detroit Street.
Handicap Accessibility:
- Parking: Four spots available
- Entrance:
- Seating: Two wheelchair-accessible pews (one on each side of the main aisle
- Restrooms: Elevator available to transport individuals down to wheelchair-accessible restrooms located in the basement
When: 5-7 p.m.
Mass time: 5 p.m. (English)
Where: 125 N Harrison St, Warsaw, IN 46580
Parking and entrance: Parking is located off Fort Wayne Street. Enter through the main church doors.
Handicap Accessibility:
- Parking: There are eight accessible spots in the small lot to the left of the main entrance
- Entrance: There is a level walk leading to door. While the automatic door does not always function properly, greeters will be on site to open the door
- Seating: accessible spaces are located in the front and back
- Restrooms: There is no automatic door to enter. The “Handicap Accessible” stall is smaller than most and does not provide enough room for individuals to transfer from their wheelchairs
When: 6:45 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. in the chapel.
8:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the main church
Mass and adoration times:
6:45 a.m. Mass in the Chapel (English)
8:45 a.m. Mass in the Church (English)
Adoration from 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. in the Church
Where: 52553 N Fir Rd, Granger, IN 46530
Parking and entrance: The parking lot, church entrance, and chapel entrance are accessible off Fir Road. The main entrance of the church is visible under the canopy.
The chapel is located in the Family Life Center. To access the chapel, park in the lot that is located off Fir Road. Enter through the doors facing Fir Road. The Family Life Center connects the church and school.
Handicap Accessibility:
- Parking: Four accessible spots are in the East Lot off Fir Rd. An additional four spots are in the West Lot off Hwy 23 /Santa Monica Dr.
- Entrance: There are automatic doors on east and west sides closest to the accessible parking spots
- Seating: The front double pew by west entrance accommodates five individuals in wheelchairs and five companions. There are additional cut-out pews in various areas
- Restrooms: There is one wheelchair-accessible stall in each of the men’s and women’s restrooms as well as wheelchair accessibility in the family restroom
- There are three Calming Rooms with sound piped in are available
When: 8:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Mass times: 8:30 a.m. (school Mass) and 5:30 p.m. (English)
Where: 1701 Miami Street, South Bend
Parking and entrance: The parking lot is located off Bishop Crowley Blvd. Enter through the church doors.
Handicap Accessibility:
- Parking: There are two accessible spots in each of the small lots on the north and south side of the church
- Entrance: Fully accessible with automatic doors
- Seating: front pew is available on both the north and south side to accommodate individuals in wheelchairs. Families generally sit in pew behind individuals in wheelchairs
- Restrooms: There are no wheelchair-accessible restrooms anywhere on the church property
When: 6-9 p.m.
Mass time: 6 p.m. (Spanish)
Where: 2505 W Grace St, South Bend, IN 46619
Parking and entrance: Park in the church lot at the corner of S. Olive and Huron Streets or in the parking lot off of W. Grace Street or along the street on Huron or S. Oliver streets. Enter through any of the church doors.
Handicap Accessibility:
- Parking: six accessible spots are in the “courtyard” parking lot off the SW corner of the church off Grace Street
- Entrance: ramp leading to the door. Greeters will be on site to open the manual doors
- Seating: located right inside of this church door
- Restrooms: A manual door opens one wheelchair-accessible restroom in the back of church.
St. Manuel González García
“I ask to be buried next to a Tabernacle, so that my bones, after death, as my tongue and my pen in life, are saying to those who pass: there is Jesus! There He is! Do not let him be abandoned!”
Born in Spain in 1877, Manuel envisioned his life as a simple priest. He wrote, “If I would be born a thousand times; a thousand times I would be a priest.” After ordination, he was sent to the village of Aljarafe, eager to find a vibrant faith community. Upon arriving, however, he discovered his church in poor condition, with dust throughout and even burnt altar cloths. He knelt before the dusty, cob-web-covered tabernacle and had a sense of someone “in desperate need of a friend.” He writes, “My faith was looking at Jesus through the door of that tabernacle, so silent, so patient, so good, gazing right back at me…His gaze was telling me much and asking me for more. It was a gaze in which all the sadness of the Gospels was reflected; the sadness of ‘no room in the Inn’; the sadness of those words, ‘Do you also want to leave me?’; the sadness of poor Lazarus begging for crumbs from the rich man’s table; the sadness of the betrayal of Judas, the denial of Peter, of the soldier’s slap, of the spittle of the Praetorium, and the abandonment of all.”
On December 6, 1915, St. Manuel González García was ordained auxiliary bishop of Málaga, an appointment that he celebrated by inviting three thousand of the poorest children to a banquet. On August 5, 1935, he was appointed bishop of Palencia by Pope Pius XI. During a visit to Zaragoza in 1939, he fell seriously ill and had to be transferred to Madrid, where he passed away on January 4, 1940.
Blessed Carlo Acutis
“The Eucharist is the highway to heaven.”
Born on May 3, 1991, Blessed Carlo enjoyed soccer, video games on his PlayStation, comics, and movies. His parents were not particularly religious; yet, he had a special love of God. He received his First Communion at age seven and began attending Mass and praying before the Blessed Sacrament as often as he could. He also held a deep devotion to the Our Lady through the Rosary. At school, he stood up for those who were bullied, especially disabled peers.
Among his many hobbies was building a website cataloging the Eucharistic Miracles of the world, many of whose sites he pilgrimaged to with his family. On the website, he wrote, “the more often we receive the Eucharist, the more we will become like Jesus, so that on this earth we will have a foretaste of heaven.”
As a teenager, when Carlo was diagnosed with leukemia, he said, ”I offer all that I must suffer for the Lord, for the Pope, and the Church.” He died on Oct. 12, 2006 and was buried at his request in Assisi.
In the life of Blessed Carlo, we see an ordinary person who strove to live an everyday, ordinary life simply fostering the gifts God had given him and cooperating with God’s Grace. His brief existence “was like a beacon lighting the way not only of anyone who met him on their path, but also of those people yet to know his story.” Blessed Carlo Acutis, pray for us!