How do I run a Parish Master Report to get our ABA totals?
In ParishSoft, click the Diocesan Development tab (if you do not have this tab, you need to be set up with access- please contact Claire K. or Deb Gase). Next, make sure your pop-up blocker is turned off.
Click on “reports”, then the drop-down box “Select A Fund” and choose the current ABA, (unless you want numbers from previous years). Then under “Select a Report”, click on Parish Master Report. Next, UNCHECK the “Include start date” and “Include end date” boxes (this will allow inclusion of pledges that do not begin until later in the year: ie, in October of 2022, a donor signs up for online giving, but does not schedule payment until May to September of 2023…the date box needs to be unchecked to include that pledge).
Check the boxes for “Include givers” and “Include non-givers”. This will give you separate lists, and you can use the list of non-givers for your follow-up mailing. Just copy and paste it into a new excel spreadsheet, and you can use this to create personalized letters and labels in Word.
Next, choose the file type in the upper right corner, click on the downward pointing arrow, and you can choose either a pdf or an excel file type. Choose excel if you are planning to use this list for a mailing.
FYI, ABA gifts from OSV online giving are included in your Parish Master Report. Online gifts are entered into ParishSoft daily, so there is no lag time as was the case in past years.